...it sticks between the teeth of the mind...
Friday, January 05, 2007
Can Ethiopia afford to be universally regarded as a US puppet? In the African Union (AU) - which has its headquarters in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa - US policy is already causing enormous confusion. For months the AU has been trying, unsuccessfully, to persuade the UN security council to bolster the AU force in Darfur, Sudan. Yet within days of Ethiopia's invasion, the security council, under US instigation, was able to pass a resolution asking for an AU force to be sent to Somalia. Clearly, the US wants to legitimise the invasion by placing it under the umbrella of the very AU that it has humiliated for months.Aqui. Se a Etiópia se presta ao papel de puppet neste contexto, o mesmo poder-se-á dizer de modo agravado do Conselho de Segurança.De resto, são cada vez mais notórios os indícios de que África será provavelmente a longo prazo um dos principais palcos do antagonismo entre Ocidente e islamismo.Education could be the greatest gift the richest nations make to the poorest. The alternative is what I saw outside Abuja, in Nigeria: madrassas created by religious extremists, offering free education but fundamentalist indoctrination, filling the void created by our failure to act. Today education for all makes not just moral and economic sense, but strategic sense too.Digamos que a história deste século ainda gatinha.
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